Evaluating the effectiveness of fertilizer through comprehensive tests on crop yield, nutrient analysis, and soil analysis takes a long time. It might hinder the progress of fertilizer development. Over the last few years, the hyperspectral image analysis was conducted to evaluate nutrient composition and health condition of plants. Therefore, ATRI collaborates with Taiwan HiPoint Cooperation to develop a hyperspectral imaging and analysis system for preliminary evaluation of the effect of fertilizer on plant growth. With high resolution hyperspectral image data, we can accelerate the evaluation process of fertilizer and as in biofertilizer.
Ghost pepper plants with different compound biofertilizers at three-day post treatment are demonstrated in pseudocolor images in Fig.1. Leaves with warmer color represent plant in better health condition, by contrast, cooler color means plant in poorer health condition. Comparing to the conventional evaluation process which might take weeks to several months (depends on types of fertilizers and varieties of plants) to visualize and quantify the difference between treatments, the study shown below only need three days to distinct the difference between treatments. Among three treatments, the plant with treatment B shows in the healthiest condition via computing hyperspectral image data which correlates the conventional evaluation results two weeks after (data not shown).

Fig. 1. Pseudocolor spectral image of ghost pepper with biofertilizer treatments.
Application of Hyperspectral Imaging to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Biofertilizer on Plant Growth
Evaluating the effectiveness of fertilizer through comprehensive tests on crop yield, nutrient analysis, and soil analysis takes a long time. It might hinder the progress of fertilizer development. Over the last few years, the hyperspectral image analysis was conducted to evaluate nutrient composition and health condition of plants. Therefore, ATRI collaborates with Taiwan HiPoint Cooperation to develop a hyperspectral imaging and analysis system for preliminary evaluation of the effect of fertilizer on plant growth. With high resolution hyperspectral image data, we can accelerate the evaluation process of fertilizer and as in biofertilizer.
Ghost pepper plants with different compound biofertilizers at three-day post treatment are demonstrated in pseudocolor images in Fig.1. Leaves with warmer color represent plant in better health condition, by contrast, cooler color means plant in poorer health condition. Comparing to the conventional evaluation process which might take weeks to several months (depends on types of fertilizers and varieties of plants) to visualize and quantify the difference between treatments, the study shown below only need three days to distinct the difference between treatments. Among three treatments, the plant with treatment B shows in the healthiest condition via computing hyperspectral image data which correlates the conventional evaluation results two weeks after (data not shown).
Fig. 1. Pseudocolor spectral image of ghost pepper with biofertilizer treatments.