Farmers in Nakuru benefit from biopesticides initiative

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

Farmers in Nakuru County hope for bountiful returns following initiative by the Swedish government to provide environmentally friendly pesticides and faring technologies that will help promote safe farming practices to promote biodiversity.

Swedish Ambassador to Kenya, Caroline Vicini said that pyrethrum had a great future for the farmers hence the Swedish Government’s concern with the need to conserve biodiversity by eliminating the use of harmful chemicals and poisonous products in agriculture.

Vicini said ASDSP (Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme) had capacity-built lower-level farmers to adopt profit-making ventures for better returns while enhancing crop resilience, reducing post-harvest losses, and introducing climate-resistant plant varieties.

“ASDSP targeted Pyrethrum, fish and Cow milk production in Nakuru County, with 134 farmer groups having benefitted from capacity building in the creation of business plans and market linkages for profit,” she added.

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