Biofertilizers as a Greener Alternative for Increasing Soil Fertility and Improving Food Security Under Climate Change Condition

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

Author: Sreethu S, Vandna Chhabra, Gurleen Kaur & Basid Ali

Citation: Sreethu, S., et al. "Biofertilizers as a Greener Alternative for Increasing Soil Fertility and Improving Food Security Under Climate Change Condition." Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 55.2 (2024): 261-285.


Burgeoning world’s population has accelerated the injudicious use of agrochemicals to feed the society. Intensive agricultural practices depleted the environmental quality, resulted in climate change and posed major threat to food security. Biofertilizers are believed to have a long-lasting impact on maintaining sustainable agriculture and reducing the ill effects caused by chemical inputs. Use of biofertilizers can reduce the dependence on chemical fertilizers, and its helps to build up the soil fertility. Nutrient use efficiency of most of the applied chemicals is very low and normally occurs in insolubilized or complex forms. Prudent use of beneficial microorganism helps to increase the availability of nutrients, thereby enhances their growth, increases yield, ameliorate abiotic and biotic stress, and prevents attack from pathogens. Biofertilizers are economically viable, environment friendly, ecologically sound, biologically feasible and easily acceptable by small and marginal farmers, and these can be used to supplement chemical fertilizers.