Farmers in southern Tajikistan concerned over locust infestation

Asia-Plus Media Group
2024.05.28 reports that locusts have attacked mountain pastures in southern Tajikistan.  The farmers fear that insects will soon descend into the valleys and destroy their crops.  The experts believe it is necessary to kill the locusts using biopesticides.

The southern province of Khatlon is reportedly the most affected area.  The Khatlon Agriculture Department says farmers spray chemicals to kill insects where they appear.  However, it is not clear yet whether chemicals will be able to completely kill the locusts or not.

Farmers reportedly say that the authorities failed to clear pastures of these insects last year and some districts in Khatlon province were seriously affected.

Guldasta (not her real name), a farmer from the Sangtuda jamoat in the Danghara district, has told that the farm she heads suffered losses of about 20,000 somonis (about US$1,850) from locust attacks last year.

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