The Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) for the Asian and Pacific Region has been mandated to collect, disseminate and exchange information on a wide range of modern and practical technologies and policies that address the needs of small-scale farmers in the region, aiming at improving farmers’ productivity, income and wellbeing and promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development in the region. This is considered unique among the international agricultural research and development centers in the Asian and Pacific region, most of which only do research and extension work.
With the growing concerns of consumers on food safety and environmental protection, many countries in the world have set the target of reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in crop production in the coming years. In order to be able to produce enough food for the ever-increasing global population with less chemical inputs, the promotion of the R&Ds on biofertilizers and biopesticides and their commercial applications has become one of the R&D priorities of many countries in the world. The global markets of biofertilizers and biopesticides (B&B) are under significant expansion and the value is estimated to reach over US$3 and US$10 billion, respectively before 2026. However, the B&B market growth, especially in the Asian and Pacific region, is beset with major constraints such as lack of an integrated information sharing platform on R&D achievements in B&B, problems in commercialization and proper field applications, and the absence of regulatory and policy incentives for B&B in-country use and promotion.
FFTC intends to establish the Asia Pacific Biofertilizers and Biopesticides (APBB) Information Platform, to continue the joint efforts of the 5-years ICBB (2016-2020 International Conference Biofertilizer and Biopesticide) project conducted by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), the Council of Agriculture (Taiwan), and China Productivity Center (Taiwan). This platform, encompassing information in ways of articles, scientific publications, country and regional news, and updated regulations provided by the APBB expert network, will be officially launched in June 2022.
The vision of this APBB Information Platform is to contribute to meeting the targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2 (zero hunger) and 12 (responsible consumption and production) by offering updated B&B information provided from an international expert network. Furthermore, the impacts of the APBB Information Platform on the prosperity of B&B industry in the world could be further strengthened by facilitating the public-private cooperation and narrowing knowledge gaps among distinct segments of the B&B value chain.
To download the pdf files on the APBB Information Platform, please register as a member first. All information is free of charge and is available for sharing as long as proper citation is notified.
Regarding article submission to the APBB Information Platform, please identify and contact the APBB contracted partner in your country through whom your submission manuscript will undergo internal review process for revision suggestions. The revised manuscript will be uploaded to the platform after being accepted by the internal reviewers or continues another round of review process to improve paper quality.
For inquiries about paper submission, member registration, and others relevant to the APBB Information Platform, you are welcome to contact:
The Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) for the Asian and Pacific Region has been mandated to collect, disseminate and exchange information on a wide range of modern and practical technologies and policies that address the needs of small-scale farmers in the region, aiming at improving farmers’ productivity, income and wellbeing and promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development in the region. This is considered unique among the international agricultural research and development centers in the Asian and Pacific region, most of which only do research and extension work.
With the growing concerns of consumers on food safety and environmental protection, many countries in the world have set the target of reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in crop production in the coming years. In order to be able to produce enough food for the ever-increasing global population with less chemical inputs, the promotion of the R&Ds on biofertilizers and biopesticides and their commercial applications has become one of the R&D priorities of many countries in the world. The global markets of biofertilizers and biopesticides (B&B) are under significant expansion and the value is estimated to reach over US$3 and US$10 billion, respectively before 2026. However, the B&B market growth, especially in the Asian and Pacific region, is beset with major constraints such as lack of an integrated information sharing platform on R&D achievements in B&B, problems in commercialization and proper field applications, and the absence of regulatory and policy incentives for B&B in-country use and promotion.
FFTC intends to establish the Asia Pacific Biofertilizers and Biopesticides (APBB) Information Platform, to continue the joint efforts of the 5-years ICBB (2016-2020 International Conference Biofertilizer and Biopesticide) project conducted by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), the Council of Agriculture (Taiwan), and China Productivity Center (Taiwan). This platform, encompassing information in ways of articles, scientific publications, country and regional news, and updated regulations provided by the APBB expert network, will be officially launched in June 2022.
The vision of this APBB Information Platform is to contribute to meeting the targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2 (zero hunger) and 12 (responsible consumption and production) by offering updated B&B information provided from an international expert network. Furthermore, the impacts of the APBB Information Platform on the prosperity of B&B industry in the world could be further strengthened by facilitating the public-private cooperation and narrowing knowledge gaps among distinct segments of the B&B value chain.
To download the pdf files on the APBB Information Platform, please register as a member first. All information is free of charge and is available for sharing as long as proper citation is notified.
Regarding article submission to the APBB Information Platform, please identify and contact the APBB contracted partner in your country through whom your submission manuscript will undergo internal review process for revision suggestions. The revised manuscript will be uploaded to the platform after being accepted by the internal reviewers or continues another round of review process to improve paper quality.
For inquiries about paper submission, member registration, and others relevant to the APBB Information Platform, you are welcome to contact:
Ms. Natalie Lu
5F, 14 Wenchow St., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Tel: +886-2-2362-6239 ext. 19
Fax: +886-2-2362-0478