8th Asian PGPR International Conference for Sustainable Agriculture

A bio-revolution using beneficial microbes for healthier soils, crops, and planet

World Vegetable Center, Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan

25-27 September 2024

The theme of 8th Asian PGPR International Conference for Sustainable Agriculture is ‘A bio-revolution using beneficial microbes for healthier soils, crops, and planet’. The agenda covers all recent scientific findings related to beneficial microbes across eight topics (i) native PGPR, microbiomes, and soil management, (i) biofertilizers for crop production and quality, ( i) PGPR for sustainable plant protection (pests and diseases), (iv) biostimulants, nano-based plant stimulants and other innovations, (v) PGPR for climate change adaptation and mitigation, (vi) PGPR for bio-waste recycling and circular agriculture and economy, (vi) product development, commercialization of PGPR and regulatory constraints, and (v i) education, policy and partnerships.

The conference is organized by the Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture and the World Vegetable Center, co organized with the National Taiwan University, the Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture’s Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute, and the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center. Supporting partners include the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Phytopathological Society, BioAgri Input Producers Association, Global BioAg Linkages, and World Bioprotection Forum. The conference wil last for four days, 25-27 September 2024, at World Vegetable Center headquarters in Shanhua, Taiwan. Shanhua is near Tainan city, the oldest city in Taiwan with a rich history and cultural importance.

Visit https://avrdc.org/pgpr-2024/ for all details about the conference, including how to register, to submit an abstract (deadline 30 June), travel information, and how to become an event sponsor.

For additional information, contact: prof.m.s.reddy@gmail.com, and srini.ramasamy@worldveg.org