Silverleaf Whitefly Pesticide-free Control!

Silverleaf Whitefly Pesticide-free Control!

Published: 2018.10.26
Assistant Researcher
The Hualian District Agricultural Research and Extension Station,Taiwan R.O.C.

Silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii, also known as the sweet potato whitefly), has a wide host range over 500 plant species, including many agricultural crops such as tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, eggplant and green pepper, etc. When silverleaf whitefly feeds on tomato leaves, might cause yellowing of leaves, poor growth of plants and low yields. The silverleaf whitefly is also a notorious vector for plant diseases, gemniviruses, causing plant damages and economic losses. Insecticides are the most effective method for controlling the silverleaf whiteflies up to now, however, long-term exposure to insecticides, whitefly might evolve a resistance to insecticides. It becomes a critical issue for researchers to solve.


Pictures from the Hualian District Agricultural Research and Extension Station

Isaria javanica can be easily applied on whole plants and effectively control the silverleaf whitefly. It is also environmental friendly and can be applied on corps within the continuous harvest period without the concern of pest evolving pesticide resistance as applying insecticides. It is expected to be commercialized next year, being the first biopesticide for silverleaf whitefly control in ROC, Taiwan.
