India: Punjab becomes first state in India to start a bio-fertilizer lab

The Pioneer

To bring latest horticultural techniques to the farmers’ fields and to make horticultural crops competitive at the international level, Punjab Horticulture and Food Processing Minister Chetan Singh Jauramajra on Friday inaugurated the Biofertilizer Laboratory under Horticulture Department at Citrus Estate, Hoshiarpur.

The laboratory has been built at a cost of Rs 2.50 crore under Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Yojana to reduce the cost of chemical fertilizers of the landlords in the state and to protect the soil from contamination from chemical fertilizers, said Jauramajra.

The Minister said that in this laboratory, 10 types of organic fertilizers such as Azotobacter Carrier based, PSB Carrier Based, Azotobacter liquid formulation, PSB liquid formulation, Potassium solubilizing bacteria) have been produced in this laboratory through an MoU with ICAR-IARI.  KSB liquid formulation, Zinc solubilizing bacteria (ZSB) liquid formulation, NPK providing liquid formulation, AM fungi, IARI Compost inoculant, Trichoderma virdi) will be prepared, which will be made available to the farming community at district level at reasonable rates as per demand.

Apart from this, the Horticulture Department will also provide necessary technical information to the landlords regarding the use of these organic fertilizers by organizing awareness camps.

Jauramajra said that according to the information received from the Indian Government agency ICAR-IARI, the use of chemical fertilizers can be reduced by 15-20 percent with the use of organic fertilizers prepared from this state-of-the-art laboratory, which directly increases the income of the landlord.

Read more here.

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