Silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii, also known as the sweet potato whitefly), has a wide host range over 500 plant species, including many agricultural crops such as tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, eggplant and green pepper, etc. When silverleaf whitefly feeds on tomato leaves, might cause...
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To ensure that agriculture production meets the increasing demand for food, pesticides are being widely used to protect crops from pests. While the availability of safe and efficacious pesticides and their judicious use by the farming community is critical to the long-term sustainability of agriculture, pesticides have also been identified as a key threat to the Sustainable Development Goals because of their potential to adversely affect the non-target species and the environment. Pesticide exposure is associated with cancers and neurological, immunological, and reproductive effects, among other health impacts on human beings. The excessive and inefficient use of these chemicals has also led to nutrient losses, drinking water contamination, and eutrophication of freshwater systems and coastal zones.
Apart from the direct consequences on humans and the environment, accidents are another consequence because of toxicity. In 2021 alone, the NCRB reported close to 8,000 incidents of accidental Intake of Insecticides/Pesticides which resulted in the death of 7,800 persons in India. Farmer suicides and corporate monopoly are some of the other issues linked to pesticides.
Pesticide consumption is also a topic of discussion in various global conferences related to sustainability and the environment. In COP 15 of the Convention on Bio-Diversity, the Indian Government expressed that a numerical global target for pesticide reduction is unnecessary and must be left to countries to decide since food security was important in developing states where agriculture is a primary economic driver for rural communities.
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