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Author: Monika Sharma, Shilpa, Manpreet Kaur, Ashwani Kumar Sharma & Parveen Sharma
Citation: Sharma, Monika, et al. "Influence of different organic manures, biofertilizers and inorganic nutrients on performance of pea (Pisum sativum L.) in North Western Himalayas." Journal of Plant Nutrition 46.4 (2023): 600-617.
The present investigation was carried out on pea cv. Punjab-89 in a Randomized block design with three replications. The experiment consists of thirteen treatments of different organic manures, biofertlizers and inorganic nutrients. The effects of organic manures (enriched compost, spent mushroom compost and farmyard manure), biofertilizers (rhizobium and phosphate solubilizing bacteria) and inorganic nutrients and their combinations were studied on growth, yield, quality traits, soil and microbial properties. An integrated nutrient use of organic manures, biofertilizers and inorganic nutrients significantly improved the growth, yield, quality traits, soil and microbial properties. The results revealed maximum plant height (140.41 cm), number of primary branches (4.82), pod length (10.29 cm), pod width (1.26 cm), pod weight (6.63 g), number of grains per pod (8.65) and shelling percentage (41.72%) was recorded under T6 i.e., RDF (90%) + SMC (10%) + FYM + RZB + PSB. Maximum protein content (21.52%) and TSS (16.420B) was observed in T1 i.e., Recommended Package of Fertilization and T9 i.e., RDF (60%) + SMC (40%) + FYM + RZB + PSB. Soil and microbial properties were also improved with the application of different organic manures, biofertlizers and inorganic nutrients. The outcome of our study suggested that organic manures, biofertlizers in conjunction with inorganic nutrients improved the soil fertility and microbial properties with higher economics and net returns.