Year 1993 : Master of Science in Plant Physiology (IPB University)
Year 1999 : Doctor in Intercation of Plant-Microorganisme ( University of Bourgogne, France)
Year 2003 : Post Doctorat in Ecology of Mycorrhizae (Seoul National University, South Korea)
Short Training Course
1987 : Tissue Cultur
1988 : Technique and Methods of Endomycorrhizae Research. Hannover University, Germany. November 1988-May 1989
1990 : Isolation, Purification dan Mass Production of Mycorhizal Fungi, Bogor Indonesia
1994 : Technique Identification of VA Mycorrhizae. West Virginia University, USA, Juni-September 1994
2004 : Biodiversity Research and Conservation Planning at Los Banos Phillipphines
2005 : Isolation, identification and perservation of Arbuscula Micorriza Fungi, Department of Botani LIPI
2007 : Rehabilitation and Sustainable uses of Mangrove Forest Ecosystems at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
2009 Training on Community Forestry for Middle Level Management Staff, UPLB, Phillipine
2019 Training Course on Mushroom Cultivation, Beijing China
Experience in International Cooperation
Year 2001-2015 : ASEAN-KOREA Environmental Cooperation Project (AKECOP).
Year 2003-2005 : Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Reseources in Southeast Asia. ASEANEuropean University Network Program (AUNP). Univ. Lyon I, Univ. Goettingen, IPB, Vietnam National Univ., and Leyte State University.
Yaer 2005-2008 : Collaborative Forest Management in Dusun Aro Jambi. International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).
Tahun 2012-2019 : Collaborative Research CRC 990 EFFoRT Gootingen University
Joined APBB since 2022
Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University, Indonesia
Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic mutualism among the plant roots with fungi. Its known as biofertilizer. The research aims to describe the development of mychorrizal research during the period of 1980 to 2020 and to know more specific interest of...
One of the efforts to support the success of reclamation of ex-silca sand mining land is site quality improvement. The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) and soil...
Sri Wilarso Budi
Education :
Year 1986 : Bachelor in Forestry (IPB University)
Year 1993 : Master of Science in Plant Physiology (IPB University)
Year 1999 : Doctor in Intercation of Plant-Microorganisme ( University of Bourgogne, France)
Year 2003 : Post Doctorat in Ecology of Mycorrhizae (Seoul National University, South Korea)
Short Training Course
1987 : Tissue Cultur
1988 : Technique and Methods of Endomycorrhizae Research. Hannover University, Germany. November 1988-May 1989
1990 : Isolation, Purification dan Mass Production of Mycorhizal Fungi, Bogor Indonesia
1994 : Technique Identification of VA Mycorrhizae. West Virginia University, USA, Juni-September 1994
2004 : Biodiversity Research and Conservation Planning at Los Banos Phillipphines
2005 : Isolation, identification and perservation of Arbuscula Micorriza Fungi, Department of Botani LIPI
2007 : Rehabilitation and Sustainable uses of Mangrove Forest Ecosystems at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
2009 Training on Community Forestry for Middle Level Management Staff, UPLB, Phillipine
2019 Training Course on Mushroom Cultivation, Beijing China
Experience in International Cooperation
Year 2001-2015 : ASEAN-KOREA Environmental Cooperation Project (AKECOP).
Year 2003-2005 : Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Reseources in Southeast Asia. ASEANEuropean University Network Program (AUNP). Univ. Lyon I, Univ. Goettingen, IPB, Vietnam National Univ., and Leyte State University.
Yaer 2005-2008 : Collaborative Forest Management in Dusun Aro Jambi. International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).
Tahun 2012-2019 : Collaborative Research CRC 990 EFFoRT Gootingen University
Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University, IndonesiaJob Title
ProfessorE-mail Submission from Indonesia
Development of Mycorrhizae as Biofertilizer over Four Decades (1980-2020) in Indonesia
The Growth of Calliandra calothyrsus Inoculated with Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi on Silica Post Mining Media Amended with Soil Ameliorant